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Stefan Molyneux Discussion

Having a Twitter discussion about how I don't believe almost the same things as Stefan Molyneux.

But Twitter length limits are super annoying, and he didn't want to use FI list, so I wanted to move to blog comments here.

Elliot Temple on September 19, 2015

Messages (19)

I found his videos to be fascinating

I thought his views were quite similar to yours.

Someone K Person AKA Falliblefool at 12:22 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2569 | reply | quote

At about 7:30 he starts talking about making your child promise stuff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtDjrOxvGbI.

Anonymous at 12:24 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2570 | reply | quote

Doesn't molyneux advocate teeth brushing coercion ?

Anonymous at 12:24 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2571 | reply | quote

I seem to recall something about molyneux coercing his child over doing stuff he judged too dangerous in a playground.

Anonymous at 12:24 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2572 | reply | quote

Isn't he a libertarian? why would he be that unless he's dumb?

Anonymous at 12:28 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2573 | reply | quote

What do you think of his views on Free Market

How did you find the video so quickly and the exact time he said something. WOW... Yes, Your ideas discourage the use of the word " promise ". I wanted to know your views on his other ideas against hero worship, small govt etc ?

Someone K Person AKA Falliblefool at 12:30 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2574 | reply | quote

can you link some text explaining the ideas you're interested in? i mostly looked at his parenting stuff before.

Anonymous at 12:32 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2575 | reply | quote

"How did you find the video so quickly and the exact time he said something."

I knew what I was looking for so I googled for "Stefan Molyneux playground", looked at the first video I found and skipped around a bit until I found the relevant part of the video.

Anonymous at 12:48 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2577 | reply | quote

lame leaving the discussion right when asked for some details

Anonymous at 2:31 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2601 | reply | quote

I went to sleep .. I am back

I did not leave the discussion permanently. I went to sleep and also to read on this..

"The differences are more cultural than real, in political matters. Both Objectivism and libertarianism are based on the non-aggression principle of honoring our neighbors' choice (not initiating physical force, fraud or theft) and making things right with our victims if we don't.

Objectivism is a comprehensive philosophy of life that includes not just political beliefs but strong and unified beliefs on virtually every aspect of human existence, including religion, art, romance, and so on. Libertarianism, in contrast, is a strictly political philosophy.

Rand believed that government's proper role was protection of rights and that government should have a monopoly on defensive force to fulfill this role. Many libertarians agree with her. Others believe that governments are a poor protector of rights and that competition in this realm is right and proper. "

Someone K Person AKA Falliblefool at 9:34 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2685 | reply | quote

source of quote?

Anonymous at 9:40 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2686 | reply | quote

Wrong Info ?

Do you find anything wrong with the quote ?

Someone K Person AKA Falliblefool at 11:17 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2692 | reply | quote

i don't want to discuss an unsourced quote. it's not even clear what the purpose is without the source. like who is trying to claim this and why?

Anonymous at 11:19 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2693 | reply | quote


What is the difference between Ayn Rand's Objectivism and libertarianism?

QUESTION: What is the difference between Ayn Rand's Objectivism and libertarianism?

MY SHORT ANSWER: In my opinion, the differences are more cultural than real, in political matters. Both Objectivism and libertarianism are based on the non-aggression principle of honoring our neighbors' choice (not initiating physical force, fraud or theft) and making things right with our victims if we don't.

Objectivism is a comprehensive philosophy of life that includes not just political beliefs but strong and unified beliefs on virtually every aspect of human existence, including religion, art, romance, and so on. Libertarianism, in contrast, is a strictly political philosophy.

Rand believed that government's proper role was protection of rights and that government should have a monopoly on defensive force to fulfill this role. Many libertarians agree with her. Others believe that governments are a poor protector of rights and that competition in this realm is right and proper.

* * *

LEARN MORE (Additional reading suggestions from your Liberator Online editor.)

Ironically, although Ayn Rand publicly disavowed libertarianism, she is unquestionably one of the most influential figures in the modern libertarian movement. And her political views are libertarian, by any common definition of the term.

Here are two short articles that explore this seeming contradiction. Please note, this is a subject about which many people disagree.

* "What Is the Objectivist View of Libertarianism?" an essay by David Kelley and William R Thomas. David Kelley is Founder and Executive Director of the Atlas Society, which promotes Objectivism. Excerpt: "If we exclude anarchism [that is, the kind of non-government libertarianism advocated by Murray N. Rothbard, David F. Friedman, and others, sometimes known as 'anarcho-capitalism' or 'market anarchism'], we can say that libertarianism is the Objectivist position in politics. But Objectivism includes more than politics. It is a systematic philosophy that also includes a specific view of reality, human nature, and the nature of knowledge. It includes a specific code of morality based on the requirements of life in this world. The Objectivist commitment to individual rights and a ban on the initiation of force is grounded in its view of nature, knowledge, and values. Its political conclusions thus stand on a firm and quite specific foundation ...Philosophically, some libertarians are Objectivists, or would at least agree with the core elements in the Objectivist case for liberty, such as the individual's need to act by means of reason in pursuing his life and happiness as ultimate values."

* "Objectivism and Libertarianism" by Nathaniel Branden. In this very short 1999 article Branden, at one time one of Rand's closest and most controversial associates, tells how Rand considered, and rejected, the label libertarian -- and what that means in today's political world. Excerpt: "[T]oday libertarianism is part of our language and is commonly understood to mean the advocacy of minimal government. Ayn Rand is commonly referred to as 'a libertarian philosopher.' Folks, we are all libertarians now. Might as well get used to it."

* * * * * * * *

Got questions? Dr. Ruwart has answers! If you'd like answers to YOUR "tough questions" on libertarian issues, email Dr. Ruwart at: ruwart@theAdvocates.org

Due to volume, Dr. Ruwart can't personally acknowledge all emails. But we'll run the best questions and answers in upcoming issues.

Dr. Ruwart's previous Liberator Online answers are archived in searchable form.

Dr. Ruwart's outstanding books Healing Our World and Short Answers to the Tough Questions are available from the Advocates.

Someone K Person AKA Falliblefool at 11:33 PM on September 19, 2015 | #2695 | reply | quote

> can you link some text explaining the ideas you're interested in? i mostly looked at his parenting stuff before.

the goal here was for you to quote Stephen Molyneaux – the particular ideas you wanted discussion of – and then we could discuss those ideas.

the reason was when we did some initial Molyneaux criticism, you said you were looking for stuff on specific topics, not parenting.

does that seem reasonable?

Elliot at 7:20 AM on September 20, 2015 | #2704 | reply | quote

> * "What Is the Objectivist View of Libertarianism?" an essay by David Kelley and William R Thomas. David Kelley is Founder and Executive Director of the Atlas Society, which promotes Objectivism.

Kelley is a very well known enemy of Objectivism.

> * "Objectivism and Libertarianism" by Nathaniel Branden.

Branden is a very well known enemy of Objectivism.

What's going on here? Enemies of Objectivism (those two people) claim it's compatible with other enemies (libertarians). lol just lol

Anonymous at 7:38 AM on September 20, 2015 | #2709 | reply | quote

> I did not leave the discussion permanently. I went to sleep and also to read on this..

doesn't seem to be working out very well

Anonymous at 2:10 PM on September 22, 2015 | #2822 | reply | quote

I wish I could go back to this day.

If I had a time machine I would go back to this day to correct myself.

Anonymous at 9:34 AM on May 30, 2016 | #5793 | reply | quote

Stefan never has proper discussions with people.

He invites great people only to chat about their agreements about topics. I have never seen him disagree or learn something.

He likes to rant about current events and there no one to correct him or criticize him.

He runs his channel like a propaganda channel.

Anonymous at 9:40 AM on May 30, 2016 | #5794 | reply | quote

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