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I Made New Videos

Podcast: Discussing Questions on Economics, Immigration, Relationships and More with Ingracke! (92 min)

Screencast: Reading a Complex Article (The Possibility of Constructor Theory) (39 min)

Podcast: Good & Evil (9 min)

By a podcast, I mean it's designed so you can listen without watching, whereas a screencast discusses stuff on my screen so some parts won't make sense if you're only listening.

If you'd like to listen/watch in a different way besides streaming from YouTube, you can easily download YouTube videos. For example use the YouTube mp3 website to create an mp3 (audio file) or mp4 (video file) from a YouTube link. This would let you watch when you don't have internet access or speed up the video faster than 2x. (I personally use youtube-dl on the command line which, despite the name, can get videos from many different websites. I also use the Video Speed Controller Chrome extension to watch YouTube faster than 2x without downloading it.)

I've already recorded 14 more short podcasts, answering submitted questions, which will be posted to my podcast playlist over the next 2 weeks. I'm not going to post them all individually to my blog, so subscribe to my YouTube channel and turn on notifications for them!

BTW I bought a new mic, shock mount, and a tripod floor stand. Still figuring stuff out with the mic and it didn't all come yet, but I hope to have better audio quality soon!

Please submit lots of podcast questions in the comments below!

Elliot Temple on September 8, 2017

Messages (5)

The Possibility of Constructor Theory

I enjoyed the screencast. You made many good points.

You missed something about the title "The Possibility of Constructor Theory".

The title is an in-joke. The author is trying to be clever.

According to the article:

> Constructor theory seeks to express all fundamental scientific theories in terms of a dichotomy between possible and impossible physical transformations ... "

The title is a reference to these possible and impossible transformations. The author is saying that the scientific theory Constructor Theory itself is something that is possible.

Trying-to-be-clever titles are common in articles like this.

Anonymous at 4:05 PM on September 9, 2017 | #9023 | reply | quote

an in-joke means a joke that will be understood by a particular social circle.

but what you refer to here isn't some tiny sub-sub-culture, it's the group of ppl who have information that Elliot himself did have.

i think the "joke" just doesn't actually make sense.

Anonymous at 4:09 PM on September 9, 2017 | #9024 | reply | quote

I thought the "joke" made sense. It's possible that constructor theory is impossible. That is, it's possible there can be no general theory which tells us which transformations are physically possible and which are not.

> but what you refer to here isn't some tiny sub-sub-culture, it's the group of ppl who have information that Elliot himself did have.

This is a good example of hard to understand writing. The 'what you refer to here" has me scratching me head. What is the "what"? And where is the "here"? The "you" is giving the impression that I wrote the sentence preceding the one above, but I did not. What information did Elliot have? Is the sentence implying that group is not some "tiny sub-sub-culture"? Is the point some anti-fallibilist point that people who have information that Elliot himself did have would get the joke? But he didn't so it doesn't make sense?

Anonymous at 6:50 PM on September 9, 2017 | #9025 | reply | quote

> it's possible there can be no general theory which tells us which transformations are physically possible and which are not.

the article isn't about that.


the in-joke explanation is no good b/c Elliot is actually in the in-crowd. he's already familiar with the idea of "possible and impossible transformations". he isn't missing some piece of information due to being an outsider.

Anonymous at 7:40 PM on September 9, 2017 | #9026 | reply | quote

Top Converter

You can download the videos with https://www.freeonlineconverter.net/1/ - one of the top converter at the moment.

Mikey at 11:19 PM on August 3, 2020 | #16955 | reply | quote

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