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just read this about Soros, a billionaire who's giving away money trying make Bush lose the 2004 election.

if a democrat was consistent with his ideals, he'd be poor-ish. cause his ideals include misunderstanding economics, opposing business, and wasting money. but Soros is rich. how'd that happen? well, he's inconsistent.

if all democrats were consistent they'd be a crappy political force. but they manage to find people who somehow, inconsistently, are democrats who are good at this or that thing that the rest of the democrats can't manage. and this way they can end up with some rich supporters despite their ideology, and thus be more dangerous.

Elliot Temple on November 14, 2003

Messages (5)

[if a democrat was consistent with his ideals, he'd be poor-ish. cause his ideals include misunderstanding economics, opposing business, and wasting money. ]


but, not exactly. a (D)'s ideals also include taxing people and using the resulting government largesse to dispense it to people in such a way as to make yourself look good. And if you profit from it, so much the better. Maybe a more general way of saying this is "they make their profits off government power rather than market power".

I'm not saying this is how Soros made his money. (I don't really know how Soros made his money.) perhaps a better example of the phenomenon are the Clintons, who were poor but are now millionaires, somehow. I don't think I'd accuse them of being "inconsistent" because of it, just the opposite.

Name: at 2:30 PM on November 14, 2003 | #141 | reply | quote

"if a democrat was consistent with his ideals, he'd be poor-ish. cause his ideals include misunderstanding economics, opposing business, and wasting money. but Soros is rich. how'd that happen?"

Heh. It seems consistent, in that he *is* wasting his money by giving it away for dumb reasons... maybe I missed something?

Camille at 4:02 PM on November 14, 2003 | #142 | reply | quote


btw the articles said Soros got his money investing in currency markets. he got an average rate of return of like 31% on investments over a bunch of years.

PS you don't have to enter an email addy to post here, so no need to put fake ones. (entering a fake name would be nice though, so we can refer to you easily. i'm sure you can think of a really cool one)

Elliot at 9:01 PM on November 14, 2003 | #143 | reply | quote

whaddya mean? I do enter a fake name.

Name: at 10:12 PM on November 14, 2003 | #144 | reply | quote

oh lol, i saw:

Name: Name:

Email Address: email@address.com


and didn't notice the repetition

Elliot at 10:17 PM on November 14, 2003 | #145 | reply | quote

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