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mmmm good comment

Tom comments:

sufficiently good values will make one an outcast. (unless he also knows how to fake worse values, and enjoy doing so, which is I consider kinda perverse). being an outcast *isn't* all that fun

Howcome they are good values then? Surely faking worse values isn't the only way to win respect. The majority of people admire courage, for example. Upholding good values takes courage, among other qualities. Why be a hermit, a Ben Kenobi? All hermits go a little bit crazy in the end, even those with lightsabers and/or broadband.

So it's hard to be good and popular. But whoever said that virtue doesn't require cunning? (And good PR)

PR helps of course, but I posit it can only take you so far. there are limits to how much of a worldview gap PR alone can bridge. after that you need to either act on different values or change society.

a simple example is people who find it natural that criticism is a gift to be cherished, may find it hard to get along with those who find it scary. yes, this particular issue isn't that hard to fake -- just don't criticise people who won't like it. but it's not very easy to enjoy faking it.

update: also, ppl who think criticism is scary, probably won't give you any useful criticism. lovely.

Elliot Temple on December 10, 2003

Messages (5)

Wouldn't criticism also be a gift one gives? It can be fun to think about and offer gifts where they will be appreciated. Why concern oneself with offering them where they aren't wanted?

BTW, criticism appreciated.

Becky at 4:30 PM on December 11, 2003 | #243 | reply | quote

if criticism is unwelcome, people make mistakes, and then you umm just have to ignore it? even mistakes that directly effect you? ugh

Elliot at 4:46 PM on December 11, 2003 | #244 | reply | quote

Alice hates criticism!. Ergo, she doesn't know, or appreciate the value of friends.

To value cheap flattery over honest opinion is so teenage.

attila at 5:55 AM on December 12, 2003 | #245 | reply | quote

FYI I don't think 'teenage' should be used as an insult. I understand the stereotype, but I think ageism is too common to say it.

Elliot at 11:17 AM on December 12, 2003 | #246 | reply | quote


Not meant, or used as an insult, more as a description of that transistional time of life when everything seems so important, and at the same time, is so trivial.

All part of the learning curve of life, and in aquiring that set of ethics and morals that stand us in good stead later in life. certainly not an insult - wish I was still one...

Like death, we mustn't be afraid to mention things we don't agree with or don't understand.

attila at 4:43 PM on December 12, 2003 | #247 | reply | quote

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