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stupid liberals

What is the meanest most low-down thing a person can do during a kid's soccer game?

conservative: cheat
liberal: keep score


Elliot Temple on March 5, 2004

Messages (7)

Gil: Bombing

Gil at 2:22 PM on March 6, 2004 | #498 | reply | quote

> liberal: keep score


that was awesome

Anonymous at 7:18 AM on February 18, 2016 | #4965 | reply | quote

Stupid Conservatives

I thinks conservatives are stupid! Please provide me any proff that they are not - lesley49er@comcast.net

Lesley at 7:07 AM on September 20, 2017 | #9045 | reply | quote

#9045 Reveal that you are not Me!! You will get me in TROUBLE!!

FF at 9:28 AM on September 20, 2017 | #9053 | reply | quote

#9045 I don't want to get banned because of your trolling.

FF at 9:29 AM on September 20, 2017 | #9054 | reply | quote

FF, stop harassing random people, demanding they write comments as dictated by you, and calling them trolls. you will get yourself in trouble. stick to on-topic posts about ideas.

Anonymous at 9:33 AM on September 20, 2017 | #9055 | reply | quote


FF at 9:38 AM on September 20, 2017 | #9057 | reply | quote

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